Saturday, November 12, 2005

I love Silk Garden

I've had 2 skeins of Noro Silk Garden #87 in my stash for quite some time and just didn't know what to do with it. I'd bought it not long after I learned to knit with the intention of knitting a scarf, but quickly got bored with knitting garter stitch scarves. Since I only had 2 skeins, it wasn't enough to knit a very big project with, but I didn't want to waste it on a project unworthy of it's loveliness. So, I just kept it in my stash and fondled it lovingly every so often.

A few months ago, Tammy posted a pic of a scarf she'd knit using the free My So Called Scarf pattern. I immediately knew that it was the perfect pattern for my treasured Silk Garden. A couple of weeks ago I finally got around to casting it on. I think it showcases the yarn beautifully. I got sidetracked with something else and put it aside for a while. The other night I picked it up and started on it again.

Unfortunately, as you can see, my tension changed drastically as I got used to the stitch. Also, I didn't like that the inside of the skein started with brown. That was the only somber bit in the entire skein and I just didn't like the fact that I would always be looking down at brown. Yuck. I love beautiful colors - purples and greens and oranges - and that's what I wanted to see. So I frogged it and started knitting from the other end. Ahhhh! Much better! Lovely pinks, blues, greens, purples, all flowing beautifully. By the time I got to the brown it fit in just right.

I started out knitting this on size 11 aluminum straight needles because they were nice and slippery. Silk is a bit sticky and the aluminum needles worked well with it. However, I couldn't knit sit comfortable in my chair and knit with those long needles. My shoulders started aching and I kept hitting the cat in my lap with the ends. I only had size 11 circulars in plastic and that slowed me waaaaay down. That silk yarn did not want to slide over the plastic. So, what's a girl to do but go out and buy more needles?

I bought the new Crystal Palace Bamboo circulars that swivel on the cord. LOVE them! The needles are just slippery enough and swivel smoothly. They were a bit pricey - $14.25, but worth it. I'll definitely be buying more.

I took the following pics when I was in Michigan last month visiting my parents. The trees were starting to show the fall colors in earnest and I got some good shots. Here's what my Mumma looks out at as she's sitting in bed:

Some lovely little wildflowers:

And, lastly, a little family I happened upon:


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