Friday, May 26, 2006

Amusing stuff

I've got some knitting stuff to post, but haven't got around to editing the pics yet. So, in the meantime, here are a few interesting pics:

Jim and his friend gathered stray golf balls one day and dumped them out on the carpet to inspect them. For some reason, known only to cats, Ollie thought it would make a nice place to nap.

Last May, I took my Mom to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. While we were there, I spotted this water tower painted like an ear of corn.

When we drove back from the Mayo Clinic, we took the scenic route through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We stopped at a Bob's Big Boy in Manistique. Instead of the usual Big Boy statue, we found this. Love it!

I did this as a swap piece on the Bead Art Forum. Humpty Dumpty is beaded over a wooden egg form and the 'wall' is beaded over a little box I bought at JoAnn's. I painted the inside of the box with Lumiere paint (love that stuff!) and added a fried egg.

This piece now resides in Washington. Jim wanted me to keep it, but I decided to send it in as a swap piece.


Blogger InkyW said...

Lindsey!!! I always remember you when I see that bead!! It finally became part of a stunning (if I do say so myself) necklace that I finally finished in 2004. 3 years almost to the day since I bought that bead in 2001. I remember you so well. Please email me!! inkchick AT gmail DOT com. I'm off to read your blog and catch up. You've made me happy today.

5/26/2006 3:10 PM  

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